Load Flow Study Made Simple | The Iteration Process

Equipment selection and specification is a basic requirement in the design of any electric power system. Typically, this starts with the determination of the system steady state operating conditions through a load flow study.
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Prior to commissioning of an electric power system, what is known are only the resistance and reactance of the lines, the loads connected, and an assumption of the voltage at the sending end.
The Iteration Process of Load Flow Study
From figure 1, V1, Z, and S2 are known. This leaves us with V2. As an example, suppose that we have a load of S2 = 1.5 ∠0 pu, a line impedance of Z = 0.05 ∠0 pu, and assuming that the voltage at the sending end, V1 = 1 ∠0 pu, solving for V2 using the equation presented above will require an iteration process.

Initial Value (Assumption)
V2(0) = 1∠0 pu
1st Iteration
V2 (1)= 1∠0 – 0.05∠0(1.5∠0/1∠0)* = 0.925 pu
2nd Iteration
V2 (2)=1∠0-0.05∠0(1.5∠0/0.925∠0)* = 0.91892 pu
3rd Iteration
V2 (3)=1∠0-0.05∠0(1.5∠0/0.91892∠0)*= 0.91838 pu
4th Iteration
V2 (4)=1∠0-0.05∠0(1.5∠0/0.91838∠0)*= 0.91833 pu
5th Iteration
V2 (5)=1∠0-0.05∠0(1.5∠0/0.91833∠0)*= 0.91833 pu
Solving for I,
I = (V1 – V2)/Z = (1 – 0.91833)/0.05 = 1.6334 pu
This is just a simple illustration of how the iteration process is done in a load flow study. For more complex systems, methods such as Newton-Raphson or Gauss-Seidel is used. Manual calculations can be quite complex and time consuming that is why using computer-aided simulation software such as ETAP and others related software is preferred.
The results of the load flow study will become the basis in the selection and specification of continuous current rating, cable ampacity, transformer rating and tap position, capacitor bank rating among others, and the optimization of system operating conditions.
Nice article
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